Deciphering Fitness and Weight Loss Myths

There are so much information about weight loss, and it is hard to separate fact from fiction. Here are some myths about fat loss and fitness in general that I hear quite often from people.

MYTH #1: The best way to lose weight is to drastically cut calories
This is the biggest misconception. People do not realize when they start drastically cut calories, they slow down their metabolism. The body goes into starvation mode and starts preserving fat for future energy use. What you should do is to eat 5-6 small meals a day and do not cut your calories lower than your Basal Metabolic Rate. It will keep your metabolism going, and your body will be burning fat for energy. If you want to know how much calories you should be consuming a day, you need to take into consideration your daily and physical activity as well. Visit this website to calculate your daily calorie requirement

MYTH #2: Heavy weights will bulk you up
This is the common statement I hear from women. First of all, women do not have much progesterone that requires to build huge muscles. However, heavier weights will help you to build muscles, sculpt and tone your body. Doing only cardio all the time is not going get you far because you will be losing not only fat but your valuable muscles as well. The best way to shed fat is to do the combination of cardio and weight training. Muscles are metabolically active and help you burn calories throughout the day even when you are sitting on the couch  and doing nothing.

MYTH #3: Boosting cardio is the best way to bypass a plateau
If you really want to lose weight and tone up, you need to do both cardio and weight training. Remember, muscles are metabolically active, fat is not. Add weight training to your exercise routine, and you will be amazed how fast you will be able to get results. Doing cardio for two hours a day is impossible unless you absolutely love it and have a lot of extra free time. However, it is not effective. Weight training and short, high intensity cardio are the best solutions for fat loss.

MYTH #4: Ab exercises are the fastest way to a flat belly
Really? Abdominal exercises strengthen abs muscles, but it will not burn body fat and reveal the 6 pack. I always tell people that abs are made in the kitchen not from doing 1,000 crunches. A proper, balanced nutrition that contains clean carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats, will bring you closer to the flat abs. Following a healthy diet, working out, and doing abs exercises will help you to reach your flat abs goal faster.

MYTH #5: Doing squats will make your butt big
We all know what makes our rear end big, don’t we? Your glutes get weak because you sit all day long and do not exercise but you can strengthen your glutes if you will engage in physical activity. One of the best exercises is squats. Squats can help you firm, strengthen, and lift your buns. Learning proper form to perform squats is very important. Start squatting with your body weight, learn the form, and then start adding weights to the exercise.

MYTH #6: It can take only a few weeks to reach a weight loss plateau
If your weight stopped moving within two weeks, you need to watch your diet. You probably eating too many calories or too much of processed food. According to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, it takes 6 months for an individual to reach a weight loss plateau.

MYTH #7: I can slim down by switching to diet soda
I wish it was so easy. Diet soda does not have any calories but it has chemicals in it that can make you gain more weight. Always drink water; you can flavor water with lemon or cucumber slices.

MYTH #8: An empty stomach means more fat burn
Having a little pre-workout snack 30 to 60 minutes before your workout gives you the energy to go longer and harder. Pre-workout snack also can ignite fat burn system. If you do not have some glucose in your system before you start working out, you will start burning up muscle.

MYTH #9: You can target trouble spots
Unfortunately, we cannot lose from one spot. Our body decides where to burn fat based on genetics, regardless of the body part you are exercising. Focus on full-body workouts instead of one area. Doing full-body workouts will also help you with all-over slimming.

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